Charting The Course For Secured And Assured Authentication in Financial Services

Financial services institutions (FSIs), including commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies, need to retain shareholder and customer confidence at all times. Regulatory compliance stakes are high and the threat of cyber security attacks have increased in recent years — making security, and more importantly authentication, crucial to keeping security and compliance unbreached and upheld.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) has been employed by FSIs globally at both a workforce and even customer level to decrease the likelihood of a successful cyber attack. But has MFA delivered the security we had hoped for?

Check out our free, on-demand webinar featuring Meng Liu at Forrester who peels back the curtain on the state of MFA in the financial services industry including the current operating environment, what has worked well, and where we can improve upon.

We hope you enjoy the session!

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Experience passwordless MFA that secures and empowers your business. See what identity verification built for the workforce looks like. Learn how comprehensive Identity Assurance protects the entire identity lifecycle.

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